the Mongoose recipe book
Page three
Daiverd's Sweet Tea
3 bags regular tea
1 bag green tea
1 cinnamon stick
3/4 cup sugar
half-gallon pitcher
fill pitcher about a quarter full of cold, clear water.
Pour water into heating device such as a tea kettle and boil.
While the water is boiling, tie the strings of the tea bags together,
pull off paper tags.
place knotted bags and cinnamon stick in empty pitcher.
Pour the boiling water over the bags, cover and let stand 10-20 minutes
or so.
Remove bags from water with a spoon, use the spoon to squeeze the water
out of them.
Pour sugar into water, mix until dissolved.
Fill the pitcher completely with cold water, the colder the better and
Note: the cinnamon stick will not dissolve completely and thus may be
used for future pitchers of tea.
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