HTML Utilities

Showing help on '@rename'

Syntax: @rename <object> to [name-and-alias],<alias>,...,<alias>
@rename <object> to [name]:<alias>,...,<alias>
@rename <object>.<property> to <new-property-name>
@rename <object>:<verb-name> to <new-verb-name>
@rename# <object>:<verb-number> to <new-verb-name>

The first two forms are used to change the name and aliases of an object. The name is what will be used in most printed descriptions of the object. The aliases are the names by which players can refer to the object in commands. Typically you want to include the name in the aliases, as the MOO parser only checks .aliases when matching, so the first syntax is generally preferred.

If you leave out the "name" part of the list, @rename will leave the object's name as it is, and only change the aliases.

Note that for renaming players, more stringent rules apply. See "help player-names". Certain other kinds of objects (e.g., mail recipients) also enforce their own rules w.r.t what they can be named.

Munchkin names his dog:
@rename #4237 to "Rover the Wonder Dog":Rover,dog
Now we'll see 'Rover the Wonder Dog' if we're in the same room as him and we can refer to him as either 'Rover' or just 'dog' in our commands, like 'pet dog'. Note, however, that it will be impossible to use "Rover the Wonder Dog" to rever to the dog: if you don't include the name in the aliases, confusion can result. It might have been better to start off with
@rename #4237 to "Rover the Wonder Dog",Rover,dog

Since he didn't, Munchkin now changes his dog's aliases:
@rename #4237 to ,Rover,dog,Rover the Wonder Dog
The name remains the same--we still see 'Rover the Wonder Dog'--but now any of 'Rover', 'dog', or 'Rover the Wonder Dog' can be used to refer to him. This can help reduce confusion.

The third form of the @rename command is also for use by programmers, to change the name of a property they own to <new-property-name>.

The fourth form of the @rename command is for use by programmers, to change the name of a verb they own. If the <new-verb-name> contains spaces, the verb will have multiple names, one for each space-separated word.

The fifth form, @rename#, is for unambiguously referring to a verb on an object in case there is more than one with the same name. The verb number is the 1-based index of the verb as it appears in the verbs() (or @verbs) output list.

-- telnet:// -- Mail us -- --
-- Six users connected --