HTML Utilities

Showing help on 'communication'

There are several commands available to allow you to communicate with your fellow MOOers. Help is available on the following communication-related topics:

say -- talking to the other connected players in the room
whisper -- talking privately to someone in the same room
page -- yelling to someone anywhere in the MOO
emote -- non-verbal communication with others in the same room
gagging -- screening out noise generated by certain other players
news -- reading the wizards' most recent set of general announcements
@gripe -- sending complaints to the wizards
@typo @bug @idea @suggest
/help/ -- sending complaints/ideas to the owner of the current room
whereis -- locating other players
@who -- finding out who is currently logged in
mail -- the MOO email system
security -- the facilities for detecting forged messages and eavesdropping.

-- telnet:// -- Mail us -- --
-- Five users connected --