MOO contains a rich programming language for the creation of interesting rooms, exits, and other objects. Help is available on the following topics concerning programming in MOO:
language -- a brief reference for the syntax and semantics of the MOO language tasks -- a brief description of MOO tasks and their resource limits
@property -- adding a property to an object @rmproperty -- removing a property from an object
@verb -- adding a verb to an object @rmverb -- removing a verb from an object @args -- changing the syntax of a verb @copy -- copying a verb from one object to another
.program/@program -- entering the program for a verb @list -- printing a listing of the program for a verb @edit -- editing verb code
@show -- looking at all the details of an object, a property, or a verb @parents -- listing the ancestors of an object @kids -- listing the children of an object @contents -- listing the contents of an object @chmod -- changing the permissions on an object, a property, or a verb @chparent -- changing the parent of an object @rename -- changing the name of a verb or object
eval -- executing MOO statements and expressions without writing a verb