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Showing help on 'tinymud'

This is yduJ's table of tinymud commands and their equivalents in LambdaMOO. A longer document, with discussions of the different verbs and how they have changed, is available via FTP from as pub/MOO/contrib/docs/TinyMUD-LambdaMOO-equivs. All the commands mentioned here have help nodes on LambdaMOO.

The following commands are basically the same in MOO and MUD.

drop(throw), get(take), go, help, home, inventory, look, news, say (",:)

The following commands have no equivalent:

kill, rob, score, @force

The following commands have the same names and do similar things, but are changed in some way (both syntactic and semantic differences, sometimes quite substantial differences):

@examine, give, page, read, whisper, @create, @dig,
@lock, @password, @unlock, @describe

The following commands have rough equivalents in LambdaMOO but the name is different:

TinyMUD name LambdaMOO name

QUIT @quit
gripe @gripe
goto/move go
WHO @who
@fail @take_failed, @nogo, @drop_failed
@find @audit
@link @dig, @sethome, @add-exit, @add-entrance
@name @rename
@ofail @otake_failed, @onogo, @odrop_failed
@open @dig
@osuccess @oleave, @oarrive, @otake_succeeded,
@success @leave, @arrive, @take_succeeded
@teleport @move

Here are some commands for which no equivalent exists, or for which the equivalent is a complicated set of actions.

@set, @stats, @unlink

Documentation on most of the LambdaMOO commands mentioned above can be acquired using 'help <command-name>'. A notable exception is the commands like @oarrive and @take_failed that set textual messages on objects. These are described under 'help messages'.

-- telnet:// -- Mail us -- --
-- Five users connected --